Sunday, May 29, 2011

Visalus (Body by Vi) 90 day Challenge- Week 1 report

Here is the update on my 90 day challenge with Visalus. I began my challenge on Monday . My starting weight was 175.8 lbs. My current weight is 171.5. So , I am estatic that I am losing weight and losing weight in a healthy way. I am also losing inches around my waistline and to be exact , I have lost nearly 3 inches off this area. I am completely stoked, that I have only been on the challenge for almost 7 days and have seen these results. I also am enjoying the switching up on my shake flavors, depending on my mood , I choose to use soy milk or juice and next week I am going to try it with oatmeal. I am looking forward to getting my sexy back by the 4th of July weekend.

Join the challenge or to learn more

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