Monday, December 27, 2010

Are you ready for 2011?

Time always seems to go by fast. As we approach the end of 2010, we must again prepare for the new year. We must begin making plans and mapping out those "things", we would like to change about ourselves or life. As we begin to make our plans, we must remember to make sure getting our health in order tops our list. In the last couple of years, i have had multiple classmates pass away from "health issues" that are usually found in older individuals. My classmates have passed from heart problems, we are only 30 years old. We must not take our health for granted and remember that we should focus as much attention to our internal appearance as well as our external appearance. Let's make 2011 a healthy one!

Wishing you a health -filled  2011 and beyond.
Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ardyss Christmas Specials

Calling all distributors....Ardyss is offering Christmas specials each week in December.

Ardyss Christmas Specials

Calling all Ardyss distributors ...Ardyss is offering "steep" discounts on products and shipping each week in December. This is the time to stock up on all your needed products.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Yahoo! Homepages for Homerooms

Yahoo! Homepages for Homerooms

Support education and learning. Yahoo is giving money away to classroom projects that receive the most homepages...check it out

Monday, November 15, 2010

What is a Preferred Customer?

A customer that is willing to commit to a “monthly Recurring Order” of whatever amount of points
he or she chooses with a 15 - 20% discount from the retail price. The order must be atleast $50 to qualify for ongoing discount. Want to learn more?

What is a Preferred Customer?

A customer that is willing to commit to a “monthly Recurring Order” of  atleast $50 a month
 with a 15 - 20% discount from the retail price. As a preferred customer, you will receive a back office to order additional products. Want to learn more?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ardyss Business Builder Pack Promotion

LeVive Plus Contains Superfruits!

I have said it before ......antioxidants are very important to our bodies and SELF magazine has confirmed what we have been saying about Le Vive Plus. LeVive plus contains 2 of the identified superfruits for weight loss. LeVive Plus contains Goji, Pomegranate, Cranberries, Mangosteen,Noni and Acai. See for yourself, the benefits of adding Le Vive to your diet.  Self Magazine Superfruits for Weight Loss

November Promotion -Happy Holidays

Ardyss International Promotion

Save money by joining Ardyss International as an Ardyss Business Builder for only $199.00!
The Business Builder Pack is formerly known as the Ardyss Power Pack.
It is such  an amazing promotion that  allows you to become part of the Ardyss family for only $199.00 normally $299.00.
This is a limited time opportunity !

Monday, September 6, 2010

A great tasting antioxidant drink!

The Power of Superfruits

Le Vive Juice

Noni        Mangosteen      Pomegranate    Acai   Goji

LeVive and LeVive Plus contain the Superfruits

There are many health benefits that you can expect from drinking Le Vive, a few of them are listed below:

■With its high fiber content, it can lead to better digestion and a faster metabolism

■It can also be an effective tool in weight loss because of its minerals like copper, potassium, and magnesium

■Because of high antioxidants it provides protection to fight cardiovascular diseases

■Can help us look younger and more beautiful because it keeps our skin soft and radiant-looking

Each bottle provides many benefits and allows you to feel a boost of energy because of the antioxidants that are contained within the bottle.

Le Vive Green-
Levive green is a wonderful product for helping with fat loss!  The Levive Green  juice works very well towards the detoxification and cleansing of your body. It will also help in cleaning out your liver, spleen, stomach, kidneys, colon, bladder, and provide a boost in your immune system.

Le Vive Plus (blue bottle)

The Levive Plus product adds the health benefit of improved circulation and also the great taste of cranberries. An additional benefit of cranberries is that they have been shown to help prevent damage in the neurological center.

Add Levive to your daily routine and you will only enhance your health and well being. The human body takes in so many free radicals everyday and our bodies need antioxidants to help cleanse them out. Change the way you live !

For more information :